Apologies for the delay in getting back to you regarding the stairs – we are in the middle of the demolition & temporary shed set-up (for living) so it’s been flat out over the last week.
- I have to say yes – this was a terrific product and effectively just a big mecano build the way you guys laid it out. Everything just lined up and all I had to do was just plug the bolts in the right holes and I was away. The instructions were pretty straight forward and I managed to follow them through and get it mostly right (I think).
- The only difficulty I had was one that was unavoidable – and that was how I mounted it to the mezzanine floor. This wasn’t a problem with the kit – it was a problem with the way the mezzanine floor was built and where I needed to mount the stairs. I had some fouling issues with bolts that fouled with the mounting plate. I’ll take a picture of this so you know what I am talking about – but I basically just drilled some holes through the mounting plate to make it fit square. Other than that it was a 2 person lift – but again that was unavoidable given the size of the structure, and to be honest it really wasn’t that much of a drama as I just had my brother help lift it into place (with only a few treads in place to keep it light).
- Given how easily it bolted together – and how all of the holes lined up, it was a great fit out. The only area that I had difficulty at times was following the instructions, but after taking a time out and following it through I worked it out. I’ll re-read those instructions and if I can offer anything of worth I’ll let you know.
I’ll get some pictures through to you guys – I did promise Leah some pictures but I just haven’t got around to getting them together. This was one that probably isn’t the best angle.
I’ll get a better picture of how things are currently set up and get it through to you in the near future.
And for what it’s worth everyone who has seen them is very impressed. I can’t recommend you guys enough and when people see the stairs they understand why.