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Geoff, Burra NSW

Hi Brendan

Some feedback on our recent purchase and the assembly of the staircase and the railing for our mezzanine.
My overall impression is brilliant, from the ordering and quotation through Leah, to the prompt delivery, and the whole design of the structure and the way it was packaged and the clear, easy to follow directions that worked.

I am 77 but I assembled it all in just over a day, however I am a recently retired farmer and am used to assembling things. I did not have access to a crane and so assembled it in situ without any problems.
Three minor things for comment

The joist on our mezzanine is quite curved at the corners and I was concerned that if I installed the top bracket above the floor, I would not be able to get the top nut on and seated flush and so I put the top bracket under the floor. The bottom of the stringers appeared to still sit reasonably flush on the floor.

The concrete floor in our shed is very hard and I had a lot of difficulty drilling the holes at the bottom of the staircase using a masonry drill in a hammer drill. I know this is not your problem but I am getting a special concrete drill to finish this. Fastening the stiffening brackets confused me and I am still working on that. They didn’t seem to line up with the holes and it was difficult to use a tek driver in the drill to fasten them in place.

To repeat my earlier comment, the whole structure is brilliant, beautifully engineered, great value for money, so solid and safe and easy to erect.
Thank you

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